Common Errors, Fixes & Patches, Tech Support, and TutorialsChurchPro
Common Errors
We offer 90 days of free unlimited technical support to our clients. Also, we offer fee based technical support to our clients plus fee based webinars, data conversions, and custom work.
“You Are Only Allowed 20 Records In the Demo Version”
“Error Accessing an Unnamed File Past Its End”
Close ChurchPro and open up your File Explorer (Right-click the “Start” button and click “Explore” for Windows 7 and earlier, Windows 8 has an icon for the file explorer in the toolbar). Make sure hidden folders are visible. To do this click Tools -> Folder Options -> View tab -> Show hidden files and folders. Next, navigate to the C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Corel\Paradox11RT\ConfigDir folder. You will see two files: PDX_EN_RUN_bars.cfg and PDX_EN_RUN_sbar.cfg. Delete these two files and reopen ChurchPro.
“Network Initialization Failed”
User Account Controls are interfering with ChurchPro. One solution to this problem is to turn off your user account controls (Control Panel -> User Accounts -> Change User Account Control Settings) and restart your computer. If you do not want to disable your user account controls, you can set ChurchPro to run with administrative privileges. To do this, right-click the ChurchPro icon on your desktop and click “Properties”. Under the “Shortcut” tab, click “Advanced…” and check “Run as Administrator”.
“Index Out of Date”
In most cases this is a network-related error. If ChurchPro is networked, go to the server computer and take a full backup. Make sure ChurchPro is closed on all client computers. Open ChurchPro and click the “Tools” icon at the top (the icon is a picture of a toolbelt). Click the “Repair” button under the “Accessories” column. Click “Repair a ChurchPro 2013 table” (or whatever year you are using) and the “Paradox tables check and repair utility” box will appear. Make sure you are in the correct directory in the “Select directory” field, ex: If you are using ChurchPro 2013, the directory should be C:\ChurchPro\ChurchPro2013. Under “Select table to process”, select “All Tables”. Make sure “Rebuild corrupted tables” is selected on the left-hand side under “Rebuild scope”. Click “Start”. If you have password protected tables you will be prompted to enter your passwords during this process. You may also be asked to put a password in for the “PASSWORDS” table, simply click “Skip”. Close out of the repair utility once the repair process is complete.
“General Protection Violation” When Trying to Print
This error is caused by the printer name being too long. To shorten your printer name, open up Control Panel and go to “Devices and Printers”. Find the printer that you are trying to print to and right-click the icon and left-click “Printer Properties”. Under the “General” tab, shorten the printer name to around 20 characters (including spaces). Click “Apply” and then “OK”.
Names Not Showing on Giving Statements
If you have found a bug in the program there may be a patch available to fix it. Click here for instructions on how to download patches. If you have installed the patch and it did not fix the problem, please call us at 443-640-6181 to report the bug and we will have a patch available as soon as possible.
Online Setup
Fixes and Patches
Fixes can be downloaded directly from your program by going to the Support module and clicking “Check for Updates”.
Please Note: The fixes below do not contain tax table updates. Tax tables can be ordered from our online store or you can call our office to order: 443-424-0165.
Please Note: All fixes must be installed on the server computer if your computers are networked.
When the files are finished downloading, a WinZip box will appear. Simply click “Unzip” and the files will be automatically installed into your working directory.
IMPORTANT: The following fixes will only work for their respective versions. i.e. ChurchPro 2019 fixes will ONLY work for ChurchPro 2019.
Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

Step 6:

Step 7:

Latest Fixes
Click Here for ChurchPro 2020 Fixes……Latest fix dated 4/26/2020
Click Here for ChurchPro 2019 Fixes……Latest fix dated 2/6/19
Click Here for ChurchPro 2018 Fixes……Latest fix dated 2/7/18
Remote Support
IMPORTANT: Remote support will not be provided to individuals that are not on the church’s account. This is done to protect your data. If you need to add or remove someone from your account, call us for instructions on how to proceed.
Remote support is only available to customers who have a Technical Support Agreement. You must have a high speed internet connection before clicking a link below.
With a Technical Support Agreement you can:
– Call during office hours and ask technical questions.
– Get help in understanding how to perform a task.
– Solve problems that would otherwise take you hours to resolve.
If scheduled, technical support can be made available to you during evening or weekend hours. Many churches have volunteers who come in after their regular job and need support after hours. Just reserve some time when you might need it.
With all new purchases (not including upgrades), you receive 90 days of free technical support and we encourage our new users to take advantage of it. After the initial 90 day time period has passed, you may purchase tech support for one of the lowest prices in the industry.
Phone Support
Support Center Hours
Monday – Thursday: 9am – 5pm EST
Friday: 9am – 4pm EST
Weekend and after-hours help available by appointment.
E-Mail Support
Please fill out the form and click submit when you are finished. One of our tech agents will respond as soon as possible. If you have a complex issue, you may be asked to call our technical support line. This form is for technical support related questions only – if you have sales questions please email or call our office at (443) 424-0165.
Video Tutorials
Check Writing
SSchool Attendance
How to Restore a Backup
How to Upgrade Data
In your old program:
VERY IMPORTANT: Take a full backup AND remove all table passwords from ChurchPro before proceeding.
Step 1: Open the Tools Module
Step 2: Click “Find Location of Data”
Step 3: Click “OK”
Close your program and open up your new version.
Step 4: Open the “Tools” Module
Step 5: Click “Upgrade”
Step 6: Click “Paste Path”
Step 7: Click “Upgrade”
Step 8: Click “OK
End of Year Maintenance
Step 1 – Backing Up Your Data
1. Right Click “Start”
2. Left click “Explore”
3. Push left scroll bar up until you see ChurchPro. If you do not see ChurchPro, click the + or arrow beside your computer then the + or arrow beside drive C.
4. Click the “+” or “arrow” beside ChurchPro
5. Right click on “ChurchPro2013”
6. Left click “Copy”
7. Right click on the top most ChurchPro folder. The one that just says “ChurchPro”.
8. Left click “Paste” This will create a copy of the files under ChurchPro called ChurchPro2013 – Copy.
9. Right click on this folder (ChurchPro2013 – Copy) and left click “Rename’
10. Type…LastYear2013…
Your data is now backed up in a folder called “C:\ChurchPro\Lastyear2013. Your data will now be in C:\ChurchPro\Lastyear2013
Step 2 – Verify That You Data Has Been Successfully Backed Up
Tip: You May Use These Instructions To Go Back To Last Year’s Data
1. Open ChurchPro as you normally do.
2. Click File | Working Directory. A set working directory window appears.
3. Double click the “ChurchPro” folder
4. You should see a folder called LastYear2013.
5. Click on this folder and click OK. You will get a message that changing your working directory closes all windows.
6. Click “OK” to continue.
7. Click the Project View Icon (A manila folder with a white piece of paper in front) on the toolbar.
8. Click “Scripts” when in the Project Viewer.
9. Double click “MainMenu.ssl. You should now be in your backup directory. Check the data and make sure it is OK.
10. Important: Close ChurchPro at this point.
Step 3 – Clear Out Your Giving Data—Open ChurchPro as you normally do.
This example assumes that you want to clear the 2013 giving records.
1. Click “Setup” at the Main Menu.
2. Click the “Clear Data” tab.
3. Click the “Backup Giving” button.
4. Click the “Year End Giving” button. A message will pop-up telling you that if you continue specified records in the giving module will be deleted.
5. Click “Yes” to continue.
6. A date window will appear. In the FROM field enter the date for 1/1/2013 in the TO field enter 12/31/2013.
7. Click “Continue” to clear the giving records for the year.
Step 4 – Clear Out Your Payroll Data
Tip: You can run your W-2 and 941’s etc. from the backup folder. Step 2 gives you instructions on how you can access this folder.
This example assumes that you want to clear the 2013 Payroll records.
1. Click “Setup” at the Main Menu.
2. Click the “Clear Data” tab.
3. Click the “Backup Payroll”” button.
4. Click the “Year End Payroll” button. A message will pop-up telling you that if you continue specified records in the salary table will be deleted.
5. Click “Yes” to continue.
6. A date window will appear. In the FROM field enter the date for 1/1/2013 in the TO field enter 12/31/2013.
7. Click “Continue” to clear the payroll records for the year.
Step 5 – Clear Out Your SSchool and Church Data
1. Click “Setup” at the Main Menu.
2. Click the “Clear Data” tab.
3. Click the “Year End SS Data” button.
4. Click “Yes” and “Yes” again to clear tables.
5. Click the “Year End Church” button.
6. Click “Yes” and “Yes” again to clear tables.
Step 6 – Archive Out Your Checking Data (Optional)
It is recommended that you keep only two years of data in your checking account and that you archive your oldest year’s data, when you start in your third year. However, most businesses close out their books every year. This is the best approach because it allows you to remove old account names that are no longer needed. This approach will allow to change account names for the new budget year.
1. Run the balance sheet through today and through the end of the year that you wish to archive out.
2. If a Fund is negative, transfer money FROM the General fund TO negative funds showing on the balance sheet above. Amounts with a parenthesis are negative amounts. You will make two transactions to move money from one fund to another. If you do not have a fund balance account setup to transfer money, go to budgeting and setup the fund balance account. This example assumes you want to move money from the General Fund to the Benevolence Fund.
To Transfer Money or Funds
1. Click the “Transfer Money” button.
2. Use the appropriate section that applies to your transfer : Bank, Fund, Income/Expense
3. Enter the amount you wish to transfer.
4 Enter the account From which you want to debit.
5. Enter the account To which you want to credit.
6. Click the adjacent “Transfer” button
Note- Repeat the above for every fund that has a negative balance.
3. Run the Balance sheet for end of year that you will close out.
For example if you have year 2010-2013 records in your checking account and you wish to archive out records prior to 2014, run your balance sheet for 12/31/2013.
Note: ChurchPro automatically Archives when the following steps are followed
4. Archive out a prior year(s). In this example we are archiving years prior to 2014.
– Click “Setup” from the Main Menu.
– Click “Clear Data” tab
– Click “Backup Checking” button
– Click the “Year End Checking” button
– Click “Yes” to continue – Enter Dates. Example 1/1/2010 to 12/31/2013
– Click “Continue”
– Click “Yes” to archive records.
– Click “OK”
– Close “Setup” and return to Main Menu
6. Check your beginning fund balances.
– Click “Accounting” from the Main Menu, then click the “Chart of Accounts” icon
– Click the “Show Only” drop-down list at the top left of the chart of accounts.
– Choose “Fund Balance”. Write down the total of the fund balance accounts.
7. Check your beginning bank account balances.
-Click “Accounting” from the Main Menu, then click the “Chart of Accounts” icon
-Click the “Setup Checking/Savings tab”
-Write down the total of the Bank Accounts.
8. Your funds + liabilities must equal monies in all Bank Accounts.
Note: The amounts on the balance sheet ending 12/31/2013 should equal the Beginning Balances for 1/1/2014.
Step 7- Setup Your New Budget
1. When you adopt your budget, change your budget amounts for 2014 to the new amounts.
-Click “Accounting” from the Menu. Click “Budgeting”.
Tax Tables, W-2 and W-3 forms will need to be upgraded each year. Call ChurchPro at 410 272-0941 for an upgrade. An upgrade fee may apply.